Being instruction led and not reaction led…

I’ve heard this word heavy in my heart for a while now. I’ve definitely been evading writing this but when applied directly in my life I think it’s time I just share😀

So earlier this week I was taking my son for a doctors appointment. My day started a bit off but I managed to bundle this almost three year old in the car and off we went to the doctors. So I had to use this route notorious for traffic so in my mind I drew up an alternative route where I would take a diversion and make my journey easier. When I got to the juncture, I indicated and the Spirit of God was like ‘don’t turn keep going straight’ I consider myself pretty obedient but in this instance the God of heaven and earth didn’t understand the plan and I needed to do what I needed to do! I tried to obey🙊 I tried but the traffic ahead of me was like you would be a fool to listen not to mention the construction works that lay ahead of me.

So I take my preferred route and the whole time I’m like ‘see God sometimes we can be right’. Needless to say I didn’t get an answer. The next time I heard His voice it was at another juncture where He said ‘give the two motorbikes way.’ But they were way far off and I was in a hurry remember. So I went ahead slithered in and drove. As I was about to take my next turn left this one motorbike guy rammed into me so hard and then took off so fast was like a scene out of fast and furious leaving all onlookers mouth agape! 

Let me tell you I was in shock. I continued my journey with my bumper half out and my car not in the best of shape. I think God looked out for that guy he seemed to have no damage. 

Later I began to reflect. Why didn’t I just obey? To my eyes it was a mess, the route God wanted me to take was a mess. I had had an accident there before and I didn’t feel like dejavu. 

Now who is to blame? Is it God for not protecting me ( doesn’t He send angels to watch over me) or is it me. I disobeyed on two occasions and would it be fair for me to expect God to just  cover me regardless! 

Well I will leave that to you to decide. But for me I know I was wrong. What I know is the devil woke up with plans to destroy me, I mean isn’t that His mandate daily over every man and woman . I choose not to play a small role I had in obeying my maker and doing the right thing. 

I have since decided that my ways are not His ways. No matter what I see He knows best! His plans for me are a good future and hope! Be instruction led and not reaction led. 

Kenya needs you God! 

I’ve been meditating on the current situation that is in Kenya at the moment and it is truly worrying… every time I’m tempted to cry and pray hard am reminded that this battle is not ours but it belongs to God. He reminded me of the story of Gideon… this blog post is not about a particular leader but about our nation our heritage! May God keep us safe! 

As we know in Judges 6-8 the Israelites had been invaded by the Midianites who chose to harrass the children of Israel. The story highlights that they were extremely oppressed and bound. They had no control over their situation. But I want to focus on Judges 7 chapter 22

The Bible said their enemies turned on each other. The word here is they turned on each other. My heart is for Kenya! Kenya is ours the only place you can trace your roots your culture where you come from and why you are the way you are! 

I don’t care what your political affiliations are Kenya is ours and we must fight for it in prayer. My personal prayer is that those with a heart of divide and conquer for Kenya, may God turn them against themselves! Let every weapon raised against my precious Kenya fail and be used against those wielding them instead. God we need you may you bless this and protect our nation!! 

God of Mercy!!! 

It’s been a long time since I blogged! I missed it 😀 but today I decided to speak on what God has in my heart for Kenya. 

Kenya is at a cross roads. And what looks like a mess to the naked eye is God setting up Kenya to move into its next level. A place where we do not follow leaders blindly but question what there integrity is about. God is transitioning us to be hungry for people to lead who will have our best interests at heart. 

It will no longer be a guarantee for a leader to rule for two terms as Kenyans will judge based on a achievements and not lip service. Kenyans have suffered this electioneering period and so it’s time for our ways to change. It has become increasingly clear to us that we need to use our democratic rights to become the change we need to see! 

But there has been a group of prophets and church leaders that have given quite heavy messages basically alluding to destruction if we don’t repent or raising issues that may  illicit fear. But to this I would like to encourage with the story of Jonah. A lot of prophetic words given to prophets are to speak what’s on God’s heart as well as always most times teach the vessel a fundamental lesson about who God is. It’s important if you have this gifting to check yourself as to what God may be saying for your life against what you hear always. 

So Jonah (Jonah 3) went through hell and high water to deliver the word of Ninevehs destruction. Upon arrival he put Himself out there and rebuked those people. The Bible says he later sat on higher ground waiting for the destruction to happen… BUT GOD. 

The people repented and went into fasting and God heard their prayer and relented. Nineveh was saved! That is the God i serve. Jonah was in his feelings and felt wasted by God but He needed to do what God sent him to do. 

So before we proclaim our nation doomed, on the verge of destruction may we remember the God of Nineveh a God of second chances who will not let this nation burn because He loves us PLAIN and SIMPLE. 

The reasons for concern are there and God has spoken these to me but I choose to call on Mercy every time! Kenya we will be okay! 

Love never fails…

Love will never fail you… when you have been tested to draw near to the qualities of love then you will know that when you have been transformed to the perfect form of love it will never fail you! 

Perfect love means that you have completely submitted to the authority of Christ Jesus who embodies Himself as a God of love. Even when life lets you down you begin to find yourself embodying qualities of patience, kindness among others even when it makes no sense!

The Bible rates  Love higher than prophesy! Prophesy only reveals in part.. to give indication of what is to come but when you submit to love it abolishes the prophecy and perfects God’s work in you! 

1 Corinthians 13 vs 9-10 speaks on the same. For we know in part and prophesy in part, therefore knowledge may pass away, prophecy may be abolished but love never fails!

Love is all we have! Love rewrites destiny! Love causes God’s hand to move in favor of your destiny! Love covers every sin, every roadblock! Love is the reason Jesus came and died for you and rose again. Love is the amen of Jesus! 

This series on love has transformed my thinking and drives me every day when faced with challenges to be more of love! Even when I don’t feel like it! It is during this series I have felt the most peace but also faced hard challenges! What is your story! I have seen God turn around a situation I thought impossible in my life and I give Him all glory! 

What has He asked you to be obedient on! Do it! He is eager to transport you to the next level!

Love endures all things!!!

As we come to the close of this series, I would like to talk about one of the most important aspects of love…love endures all things!!

When you have applied all aspects of love to your situation, you have been patient, kind, and all the rest discussed and when all is said and done you ENDURE! When you learn to endure you become victorious! 

In James 1 the Bible says consider it joy when you go through trials knowing that the testing of your faith produces perseverance (my definition the ability to endure).. which leads to my point the main lesson on the different attributes of love is it lists a code of conduct to survive in this world when we are hit from all directions and when our faith is put to test!

God is love and we are to overcome a multitude of sin by becoming one with  Love! And therefore we don’t endure the situation we facebut we endure that our faith may stand firm! Our reward is ultimately above in heaven🙏🏽 This is why we exist! 

We endure we conquer! Love endures all things!

Love hopes all things 

It is one thing to believe all things but it’s another thing to hope all things.. 

Love hopes all things.. today I want to speak to those who have waited and believed God for a breakthrough and have faced major dissapointments in the same area despite the fact that you know God’s word concerning the same… and then  just when you learn how to live with that dissapointment God asks you to hope once more! What do you do?

Hope can be described as the feeling of wanting something to happen or a feeling of trust for the same! The key word is trust! Will you still trust God even when His promises have not come to pass? You have waited and cried but nothing! You have faced dissapointment. At this point it feels foolish to keep trusting and hoping!

This is the time for you to keep going! Keep praying for hope not to fail, for your trust to keep going. The Bible says He strengthens us in weakness! Call on Him and don’t give up no matter the dissapointment because dissapointment only comes because the appointed time was not yet there! Throw yourself at the feet of Jesus because He knows and He will come through for you.

Love believes all things..

Love believes all things… as I meditate on this quality of love, the one word that comes into my heart is faith! And functional faith at that…

Life is really hard and sometimes can be really discouraging. We all have that thing in our life that we aspire to have and for some of us it has been so long that the faith that it will come to pass is more and more faded as we move along.

But here is the word… God is in control and He has not forgotten you! I know this to be true in my life! I also know that there is no wasted prayer or request that you have made that goes void to God! 

God also believes in you even when you feel He has no business having anything to do with someone like you. The simple fact is for us to keep going we need to understand and believe in everything He has promised us. His promises are yes and amen.

And after we have endured all things, we believe all things for He is not a man that He should lie! 

Remain believing and let your faith be functional! Don’t let anyone or anything walk you away from God’s promise to you!!! 

Love always  protects…

In order to protect someone or something you have to really believe in them wrongs and all.. you have to dig deep and believe that no matter what the person presents before you, your love will not be conditional but will be based purely on loving the person.

Other versions describe this same characteristic as love bears all things. This is true of love. When I consider the way God loves me, He deals with the good and the bad. He doesn’t crucify me when I am wrong. As a matter of fact I find when I am wrong He protects me from repurcursion that I am definitely deserving of and that’s where grace comes in. What He cares about in this moment is that I am sorry for my wrong. 

The reason God would want us to embody these qualities of love is simply to emphasize repentance. He wants us to be able to see and understand when we sin and be able to humble ourselves and say we are sorry. 

Equally, He also wants us to treat people with the same grace that He gave us. And when people wrong you, He doesn’t care He wants you to go to a place of love, and not your version but His version of love.

In summary, it doesn’t matter what someone has done, pray for God to teach you to forgive and bear all things they throw at you. Specific to marriage ( this is an area really under attack) protect your spouse, despite the season of life they may be in, or their behavior that you may not like, the onus is on you to protect and bear them up in all things. You will find in that space you will always be able to speak in love to this persons character.

So before you are quick to pick up stones, consider if you are in God’s presence would you like for Him to pick up a stone! We are simply not worthy! It’s because Jesus came and bore all things! 

Love does not keep a record of wrongs..

This series of love has been an eye opener for me because it increasingly reminds me to truly love means to decrease and God increases.

Love does not keep a record of wrongs has to be one of the harder ones to strive to become. For purposes of the blog, I want to focus on wrongs from our perspective, the things that we feel we lost in the past, or hurt in the past and we blame our current situation on those things. 

One of my recent burdens has been to release past defeats and not allow them to define my present. Because as long as I had some of this baggage I would not see what God was doing in my life.

God is a God of details. He is moving in the small minute slow details in our lives and if your caught up record keeping and taking fact checks on your past in comparison with your present you will not move forward. 

Will you let go of all your failure and disappointment of past and surrender this to God. Do not keep a record of it because all it does is constantly challenge what God is doing in your life and ultimately you will conclude that God doesn’t care when He is very active. 

I know I speak to myself as well so time to throw all my records away! 

Love is Not Evil.. but rejoices with truth!

To be evil can be defined as being profoundly immoral. When your immoral your lines of truth are blurred and it’s easy for you to rejoice in lies especially when it’s to your own benefit..

This description of Love refers to love not being evil but delighting in truth. Many times I have found when you tell people the truth, they may struggle with you or walk away.. the truth is not popular and may cost you friends.

But no matter what don’t compromise your truth, that love does not rejoice in evil. And whatever the context focus on demonstrating love in all that you do!